"For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them." Matt 18: 20.
And when worshippers who has passion for His glory gather to worship, a different dimension of worship is attained.
It was just timely that Jessica(part of the organizers) and I had the conversation that led to a few of us attending this event. In every worship workshop or training I go to, I definitely learn something new no matter how many times I may have heard of the similar teachings. Because God doesn't stop teaching and we never stop learning.
Lucy Loo was the main leader that afternoon and led us in prayers as well sharing It all started with fellowship, worship and teaching/discussion. Glad to see young people sharing and worshipping God. Different groups of people from different churches came together that afternoon.
Here's us! |
Here are the notes given. Based on the 6 string guitar letter names, the 6 important factors in leadership/worshipper.
During worship, I felt God strongly and I knew that God wants me to go deeper. Although I did pulled back but His assurance was still there. His presence being close was all that mattered. Later when Jessica prayed for me, the words spoken over me was affirming and I can only pray that I do not disappoint Him. "Take all the glory, God"
All of us are worshippers and if you haven't had a heart to heart worship with your Saviour, I would encourage you to begin in your room. When you have encountered God privately, you would be at home among other worshippers. And in that place you have with Your Father, you will learn to recognise His voice. Its amazing!
the crowd of the day |
Thank God for the ministers and the organizers of this event. And the pioneers of Worship Central.
Note: the photographs above was taken by the photographer of that day of whose name I know not.
: P but thanks, whoever you are.
I got the permission to post the pictures. Thanks!