It was 12 years ago when I was a teenager (without a doubt still youthful) that I've heard from Ps. Kenneth Chin. He was challenging in his preaching and have made an impact in my life then. And recently I had the priviledge of learning from Ps. Sandra Chin , the lovely wife of Ps.Kenneth Chin. She has been impacting women's lives for over 10 years through women conference and as I listened from her testimonies and sharing, I'm one of them. She's so funny, I could hardly keep my mouth shut from giggles or laughter. Sort of reminded me of Jim Carrey, no offence Ps Sandra, i meant it in a good way.
Some of the keys that I've picked out from Ps.Sandra is:
* Don't speak to the enemy
* Know your position in Christ
* Don't blame others
* Live dynamically and magnanimously
Women used to be second class, feeding into their insecurities and low self esteem. Nowadays it is not the case though some may still live in the past and remained second class in their mindset. God made us women beautiful in every way, an architecture that can never be copied and resold. Ask God today to show you how beautiful you are.
1 Peter 3:3-4
“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” (NLT)
Proverbs 14:1
“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” (NIV)
1 Corinthians 11:11-12
“In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.”
Galatians 3:8
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
1 Timothy 3:11
“In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.”
Proverbs 31:30
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” (NLT)
Hope you will be encouraged with the verses and remember God loves you from inside out.