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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Starting 2010 with my Father

It's been quite awhile since I last wrote.A new year, new challenges ahead, where do I put Him in all of this busyness? One of the last thing I wouldn't want to hear God tell me is that I'm lukewarm. What if He did?

His heart saddens when His children do not look to Him first. With His infinite wisdom and holiness, how can He ever stand the sight of our filthy rags. Yet He did, His unfailing love doesn't cease and Jesus is the living proof of it all.

I thank You , Lord for Your providence and blessings. Many happenings are beyond my comprehension and knowledge but I put my hope in You. I will continue to unearth the hidden treasures that You have me seek. May I always ask what You would want me to do and not what others or myself want me to do. That Your Spirit that lives within me will be stronger than my flesh. For this I pray, Amen.


  1. Thank you for these posts. They're beautiful.

  2. Thank you for visiting and giving me the encouragement.God bless you.
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