With Christmas approaching , my mind starts to wander and searching for the spark of Christmas spirit this year. Did I finally found it? Or the spark seems like a distant star.
The revelation has not dawn on me yet but nevertheless I want to be grateful for another good year and as the best is yet to come, my eyes are fixed upon my big Papa in heaven. I ponder about the cross and how Jesus survived the slashings of the whip on His back and imagined the journey to the cruxifiction, of how He pulled through till His final breath.
The playback of an awesome history truly awed me like as if it was the first time I've read and heard about it. I just want to glorify His name and proclaim that He is Magnificient. That His name be lifted up and all men will draw near.
Came across this song posted by a friend in Facebook, a wonderful rendition from Carrie Underwood with the song How Great Thou Art. Hope you enjoy it as well. Blessed Christmas to all of you!
Inspired by a kindred spirit. Read my first posting entitled 'Splashes of Grace' in April 2009 and you will know how I was inspired to start this blog.God bless you!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
His Mercies Are New Every Morning
Titus 3:5-9
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,
Nothing that we do can ever match up to what He has done for us. We just have to understand it's all by His grace that He saved us. I felt a sense of His deep mercy upon my life recently and sometimes I wonder why He answered some of my prayers which I thought He wouldn't as I struggled with the thought of my flaws and my weaknesses. I know deep in my spirit, He loves and forgives us but there are just occasions I am not able to brush off the guilt gut when He blesses me unexpectedly.
As the Word says that His mercies are new every morning, I have to literally remind myself out loud that these words are exactly as what they meant. His mercies are not outdated or spilled over but they are new, fresh and revelational. When the light of His glory shines through my soul, I become someone new again, facing the world in His perspective and not mine. How awesome is our God.
Dig into His Word and be fed with meat and no longer suckling on milk and let the Holy Spirit teach you His ways that are unfathomable and lead you to the way that is blessed.
And let's imitate the person Jesus wants us to be, to be more like Him. Living our lives as an example of God's mercy brings glory and honor to His name.
Luke 6:36-10
"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
His Mercies Are New Every Morning,
Luke 6:36,
Titus 3:5
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I Rely On You
When I heard this song, it became the song in my heart , taking it as my declaration unto the Lord that He is faithful and my reliance is in Him and Him alone.
The Holy Spirit is within us, we have strength from within and we need not fear men or sin for He 'agape' us. More than you can ever imagine, His love never fails, never wavers and ever so true. If only we could rely on Him more than others or ourselves. Fret not, His promises are true and right now I want to stand upon every promises and declare it over my life. My prayer for you who are reading this is you will be ministered by the revelation of who Jesus is. May the song sink deep in your spirit and be the praises on your lips.
"You Are Faithful" by Hillsong
The Holy Spirit is within us, we have strength from within and we need not fear men or sin for He 'agape' us. More than you can ever imagine, His love never fails, never wavers and ever so true. If only we could rely on Him more than others or ourselves. Fret not, His promises are true and right now I want to stand upon every promises and declare it over my life. My prayer for you who are reading this is you will be ministered by the revelation of who Jesus is. May the song sink deep in your spirit and be the praises on your lips.
"You Are Faithful" by Hillsong
praise and worship,
you are faithful
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
We Already Have An Open Heaven
Don't reason with God's ways but reason with why we can't enjoy what He has already given us. Be blessed with this video and experience God until it overflows to the lives around you!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Silent Words
Sometimes words could not form in my mouth
but my heart speaks a thousand words.
The utterance of my lips did not matter,
because God knows before I speak,
I thought this, He thought otherwise,
Nothing passes God by without Him knowing,
But I tell Him anyway, everything,
The silent words between my God and I.
Monday, August 16, 2010
What Is So Special About Laminin?
I repost this entry as I came across a more detailed picture of the scientific form of laminin.
Dated: 9/09/09
Coincidence, fluke or just pure luck? No, it is God's master design of the human anatomy to depict His promise to us. From time to time, science discoveries continue to reveal how great our God is. Recently I stumble upon a blog showing this youtube video of this speaker Louie Giglio.God never fails to amaze us with the revelation of who He is. Watch the video in this link:
Dated: 9/09/09
Coincidence, fluke or just pure luck? No, it is God's master design of the human anatomy to depict His promise to us. From time to time, science discoveries continue to reveal how great our God is. Recently I stumble upon a blog showing this youtube video of this speaker Louie Giglio.God never fails to amaze us with the revelation of who He is. Watch the video in this link:
Louie Giglio- Indescrible
Want to know more about laminin go to Wikipedia-Laminin. This is one part that I would like to highlight from wikipedia"The trimeric proteins form a cross, giving a structure that can bind to other cell membrane and extracellular matrix molecules [3]. The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which allows them to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor organized tissue cells to the membrane." Bottomline if I'm not wrong, laminin holds our cells and tissues together.Just as the preacher relates to this verse
Colossians 1:15-17
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth , visible and invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;all things were created by him and for him.He is before all things,and in him all things HOLD TOGETHER. "
Louie Giglio,
Word of God
Monday, August 9, 2010
Return to the Father
Angels shouts for joy when God's sons and daughters returns to Him. And I'm thankful to be a part of God's orchestrated divine moments last Sunday.
She has been away from church for 4 years and we were connected recently online after 4 years since I last met her. Coincidence, no I don't think so. Through my church anniversary celebration, I was given an opportunity to invite her and she agreed to come without much hesitation. Ironically , all this was done through text messaging apart from an earlier conversation through Facebook.
One fine morning on the way to work, i felt a tug to send sms inviting her to the service. I prayed a simple prayer knowing that God is hearing it and press OK to send. And the rest is a continuance beautiful history between a child and Her father. I was more suprised yet expecting when she stood up to rededicate her life to Him. All I pray now is that she continue to seek after Him.
God is always seeking us, waiting for us to respond to His love. He will make us more than a conqueror if we just believe and choose to follow Him. Be assured that you are worthy of His love - u were uniquely created!
God Loves You!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Is it so hard to be real? Will people accept who we are beneath that mask of few spotted blemish ? Do we paint a picture that pleases the eyes of men, a surreal life?
No matter how hard it is to be real, that's the only thing that's real to me. Hard doesn't make me any different. I am not a perfect being however I will strive to be as real, transparent as possible regardless what people will think of me. Doesn't mean it gives me an excuse to continue doing what i know is wrong. Being real can help us to repent what we do wrong easier or consequently we will build a wall of self denial of whats true. Facing up with matters that we are in no control of is exhausting and we are prone to giving up ' don't care ' mode.
Hard knocks in life will grow us up well if we receive it with the right sense of mind. I will always ask God "Why?" Though I might not get the answer but i know the wisdom of God is within me and will surface soon enough. Or sometimes the Holy Spirit gives me a 'light bulb moment'. Sometimes its easier said than done and all that's left for us to do is to get down on our knees.
My prayer for us believers is that we will put on the mind of Christ like wearing a helmet at the start of the day. And to be bold to stand up for what is right and doing it at all cost, consciously knowing that if we fall, God's hand will be ready to catch us and throw us out of the fire before we get charcoaled burned. Even if we have to crawl our way up before we can walk in bold faith, that's what we will persevere to do.
I havent been studying the bible for quite awhile though with occasional flip-throughs of psalms and proverbs, but just to share a few that speaks to my heart today...
Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
Hebrews 6:1 Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God
Romans 11:29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Hebrews 6:1 Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God
Romans 11:29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Hymm Of Love
Through every season of life, He walks with me,
He is faithful even when I fall,
As I honor Him, He honors me,
He will always carry me through storms so I can stand tall,
Thank you , Jesus!
One of my favourite song that my heart always want sing out to & for Him.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I like how Joyce Meyer state this
" We can still have a bad attitude and go to heaven but we can't have a bad attitude and glorify God"
I've been evaluating my attitude and sometimes I find how much situations in my life can either make me or break me. We either succumb into a nasty attitude and think ' 'Cos people do that to us so why can't we be nasty too?, Why be good when we don't get treated well?, Why bother?" Or we choose to want to make God proud of us and continue to be the person that He wants us to be.
But God is truly amazing, how patient He is with us and molding us in ways we cannot fathom. As we look back, we realized what God is showing us in different situations. Sometimes He might be showing us how to be slow in anger and quick to listen, to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, and a lot of these attributes are found in the Bible. We just got to go back to The Word to keep us going the right way. However hard it might be to stay humble, the only way is through Him. There is pride is all of us no matter how quiet we might be or how loud we are as i quote Joyce Meyer again "The middle letter in pride is I ".
As i pause to ponder on Jesus's attitude while He was on earth, there is this indescribable feeling towards the revelation of who He is. I don't feel ashamed of my shortcomings but I'm in awe with His love and grace over me. His grace abounds and soften our hearts to lean towards His strength to be a better person, not run away from Him and be condemned. As my pastor said, "His grace doesn't mean He is giving us the license to sin but compels us to want to please Him more for all that He has done for us".
God does not condone our wrongdoings but His grace shows us the way to victory and the choice is ours.
" We can still have a bad attitude and go to heaven but we can't have a bad attitude and glorify God"
I've been evaluating my attitude and sometimes I find how much situations in my life can either make me or break me. We either succumb into a nasty attitude and think ' 'Cos people do that to us so why can't we be nasty too?, Why be good when we don't get treated well?, Why bother?" Or we choose to want to make God proud of us and continue to be the person that He wants us to be.
But God is truly amazing, how patient He is with us and molding us in ways we cannot fathom. As we look back, we realized what God is showing us in different situations. Sometimes He might be showing us how to be slow in anger and quick to listen, to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, and a lot of these attributes are found in the Bible. We just got to go back to The Word to keep us going the right way. However hard it might be to stay humble, the only way is through Him. There is pride is all of us no matter how quiet we might be or how loud we are as i quote Joyce Meyer again "The middle letter in pride is I ".
As i pause to ponder on Jesus's attitude while He was on earth, there is this indescribable feeling towards the revelation of who He is. I don't feel ashamed of my shortcomings but I'm in awe with His love and grace over me. His grace abounds and soften our hearts to lean towards His strength to be a better person, not run away from Him and be condemned. As my pastor said, "His grace doesn't mean He is giving us the license to sin but compels us to want to please Him more for all that He has done for us".
God does not condone our wrongdoings but His grace shows us the way to victory and the choice is ours.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Starting 2010 with my Father

His heart saddens when His children do not look to Him first. With His infinite wisdom and holiness, how can He ever stand the sight of our filthy rags. Yet He did, His unfailing love doesn't cease and Jesus is the living proof of it all.
I thank You , Lord for Your providence and blessings. Many happenings are beyond my comprehension and knowledge but I put my hope in You. I will continue to unearth the hidden treasures that You have me seek. May I always ask what You would want me to do and not what others or myself want me to do. That Your Spirit that lives within me will be stronger than my flesh. For this I pray, Amen.
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