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Monday, April 16, 2012

Wisdom from James

The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. ~ James 3:17
What a great definition of wisdom! My simplified understanding....
First purity ~ the wisdom we use comes from pure good motives and surely one that God approves.
Then peace loving ~ one that promotes peace and not war, resolving bad issues in love.
Considerate, submissive ~ be reasonable and be submitted to the ways of God
Full of mercy and good fruit ~ God has extended His mercy to us more times than we can ever remember therefore we need to extend mercy to others. Wisdom bears nothing but good fruit for it is from God.
Impartial and sincere ~ Like a judge's role is to bring justice, we who are a child of God cannot show impartiality but to be sincere in all dealing of matters.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our God Is Able

When I listen to this song, I felt my burdens a little bit lighter. 
I know my God is able, though I may go through impossible times, I know He is more than able to do unimaginable miracles and turn things into possibility for me.
Come and know this God, one that knows you inside out, one that will bring you to an eternal home after this.