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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Worship Songwriting Ideas

I've been wanting to write songs and I did attempt a few, prayerfully. And hopefully I can find time again to seek God for songs that will minister to people. I'm glad two songs I did for childrens' camp(praise song) was well-liked by the teachers and the children. Thank you, Lord!
Tonight I stumbled upon some songwriters sharing their ideas and experience and thought I share it here. Hope it inspires you too!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Chains Are Gone (Amazing Grace)

"Amazing Grace 
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see"

I was born again at the age of 12. Though I was born into a Christian family, but my spiritual eyes was opened at 12. I experienced God's love and His touch was as real as raindrops falling on my face. I looked back and I'm grateful to Him who saved me and brought me through healing of many things that I went through and He continues to mold and shape me to being the 'me' that He has willed. I'm a work in progress and through my weaknesses, His strength pulls all things together to help me overcome. Perfected in my weakness.

Why do people look at the stars for their future or horoscopes to determine their day when they can ask the One who made the stars and universe. Our future is in His hands and the choices we choose to make. Stay free for His Truth has already set us free.

Monday, February 6, 2012

God's Word , My Shield

The rugged worn out blue notebook holds many writings and teachings I learned from reading God's Word, preaching, books, prophecies, my own preparations for sharing and I felt grounded whenever I go through this book. It was like a start of my spiritual journey and though I stopped at three quarter of the notebook, my journey did go on without the notebook Now it seems like one of my new notebook is a virtual one. :)

I decided to write what I shared many years ago when I was in the youth group. I was given an opportunity to give an exhortation of any bible verse. I picked Psalms 119:11 " I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you"

What spoke to me then was the intent of the psalmist that seems so pure. David the psalmist reveals his love for God and not wanting to hurt Him by sinning against Him, he hides His Word. Hidden means to treasure, to conceal. When you treasure something till you want to hide it, it means a lot to you. And you do anything to keep it there, for his case, he wants to keep it in his heart. 

This reminded me of the song A Pure Heart which one lines says " A heart that hides Your Word, so that sin may not come in" The Word of God is like a shield, keeping us from sinning and protecting sin from coming in. We all sin and fall short of His glory but Jesus righteousness make us right with God. But as long as we are on this earth, the roaring lion will try to devour us, making us as far away from God as possible. Our part is living the way God wants us to and our guide is His Word, and His Spirit convicts and teaches us.

I went to look for the old song in youtube and I found another version but its great and just as the song has ministered to him, it has also ministered to me then and also now. May it minister to you too and draw you closer to Him.