Our church's theme for this year is "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory"
And the timely message collides and integrated with what God inspired me to thrive on this year. His revelation for me reveals a song to immerse on until its embedded deep within me, the song "In Christ Alone"
My pastor spoke on "What do we want to do through this (church) theme?" and he gave 4 points:-
1. Finding sufficiency in Christ alone
2. Resting in the finished work of God
3. Growing in grace and Word of God
4. Walking in favor and identity in Christ
I was listening to Brian Littell singing In Christ Alone one morning and every word sung seems to make my heart beat a little faster and the inner voice prompts to dwell on Christ's love for me. Reminding me that what's ahead of me is God's orchestrated path but I have to walk in it and remember that He took me there.
I face new challenges in this year 2011. I made a mental note on every little blessings I receive, i give glory to God. Even if it is just a good idea, even if it is the smallest best decision made, even if its a small problem solved, i tell myself it is the One who lives in me that enables me to do what I do that's right. Though my errs is never absent , it becomes a small speck in a white sheet of cloth, and before any more specks can be added to it, the one prior to it will no longer be visible.Thats the work of God!