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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Silent Words

Sometimes words could not form in my mouth
but my heart speaks a thousand words.
The utterance of my lips did not matter,
because God knows before I speak,

I thought this, He thought otherwise,
Nothing passes God by without Him knowing,
But I tell Him anyway,  everything, 
The silent words between my God and I.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What Is So Special About Laminin?

I repost this entry as I came across a more detailed picture of the scientific form of laminin.
Dated: 9/09/09
Coincidence, fluke or just pure luck? No, it is God's master design of the human anatomy to depict His promise to us. From time to time, science discoveries continue to reveal how great our God is. Recently I stumble upon a blog showing this youtube video of this speaker Louie Giglio.God never fails to amaze us with the revelation of who He is. Watch the video in this link:

Louie Giglio- Indescrible

Want to know more about laminin go to Wikipedia-Laminin. This is one part that I would like to highlight from wikipedia"The trimeric proteins form a cross, giving a structure that can bind to other cell membrane and extracellular matrix molecules [3]. The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which allows them to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor organized tissue cells to the membrane." Bottomline if I'm not wrong, laminin holds our cells and tissues together.Just as the preacher relates to this verse
Colossians 1:15-17
"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth , visible and invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;all things were created by him and for him.He is before all things,and in him all things HOLD TOGETHER. "

Monday, August 9, 2010

Return to the Father

Angels shouts for joy when God's sons and daughters returns to Him. And I'm thankful to be a part of God's orchestrated divine moments last Sunday.

She has been away from church for 4 years and we were connected recently online after 4 years since I last met her.  Coincidence, no I don't think so. Through my church anniversary celebration, I was given an opportunity to invite her and she agreed to come without much hesitation. Ironically , all this was done through text messaging apart from an earlier conversation through Facebook.

One fine morning on the way to work, i felt a tug to send sms inviting her to the service. I prayed a simple prayer knowing that God is hearing it and press OK to send. And the rest is a continuance beautiful history between a child and Her father. I was more suprised yet expecting when she stood up to rededicate her life to Him. All I pray now is that she continue to seek after Him.

God is always seeking us, waiting for us to respond to His love. He will make us more than a conqueror if we just believe and choose to follow Him. Be assured that you are worthy of His love - u were uniquely created! 
God Loves You!